Figure 2.
(mTrf1) Spread pachytene spermatocyte I of the mouse (Mus musculus) stained with anti-SCP3 antiserum (FITC, green) and anti-mouse Trf1 (Cy3; red). Strong Trf1 signals are present at ends of SCs, unpaired axes (arrow), and the telomeres of the sex chromosomes (arrowhead). One strong Trf1 signal is seen at the association site of the distal ends of the XY pair. (mRap1) IF staining of mammalian Rap1 with anti-hRap1 Abs (red, Cy3) in a spread mouse pachytene nucleus. The ends of the SCs are capped by strong, large mRap1 signals, which sometimes extend beyond the SC ends. The XY pair displays mRap1 signals at the ends of the paired and the two unpaired meiotic chromosome cores (arrowhead). The fuzzy green material at three bivalents results from SCP3 fluorescence at remnants of nucleolar material carried by three autosomes. DNA is shown in blue (DAPI).