Figure 5.
Analysis of TON2 Expression by RT-PCR.
A 248-bp RT-PCR product (bottom band) is obtained using Ton2F2 and Ton2R1 primers (see Figure 3) for PCR. The constitutively expressed APRT1 gene (Moffatt et al., 1994) is used as a quantitative control (564-bp RT-PCR product; top band). (−), negative RT-PCR control (reverse transcriptase omitted); Gn, Ws genomic DNA amplified with TON2-specific primers; Et, etiolated Ws seedlings; R, roots; RL, rosette leaves; S, stems; CL, cauline leaves; F, flowers from adult plants; ¢, Arabidopsis suspension cultured cells. The ton2-13 mutant produces a fusion transcript containing the Basta resistance gene of the T-DNA used for mutagenesis, the left border, and the 3′ end of the TON2 mRNA (see Figure 3).