Nucleocytoplasmic Distribution of phyB to phyE:GFP in 7-Day-Old Dark-Adapted Seedlings Whose Germination Was Induced by GA.
D-GA seeds were germinated in complete darkness in the presence of GA. The hormone treatment was supplemented with 5-min hourly R pulses (R-GA) or R/RG9 pulses (R/RG9-GA) or RG9 pulses (RG9-GA) for 18 h after the cold treatment at day 2. Numbers indicate the relative number of nuclei showing GFP fluorescence (nuclei with GFP fluorescence/total number of nuclei monitored). For each experiment, 70 hypocotyl cells were monitored. phyB, phyC, phyD, and phyE are represented by light-gray, dark-gray, white, and black bars, respectively.