Determination of the Functionality of the NubG Fusion of LeSUT1 and AtSTP1.
(A) The SUSY7/ura3 yeast strain was transformed with either the empty pNubG-X vector or with the same vector containing the full-length LeSUT1 open reading frame. The growth of SUSY7/ura3 on Suc depends on the presence of a functional Suc transporter in the plasma membrane. Transformed cells were tested for growth on medium containing either Glc (nonselective) or Suc (selective) as the sole carbon source.
(B) The 18gas yeast strain was transformed with either the empty pNubG-X vector or with the same vector containing the full-length AtSTP1 open reading frame. The growth of 18gas on Glc depends on the presence of a functional Glc transporter in the plasma membrane. Transformed cells were tested for growth on medium containing either maltose (nonselective) or Glc (selective) as the sole carbon source.