Effect of anti-LTBP-1 antibody on the expression
of the endothelial cell markers ICAM-2 and vWF and the formation of
vessel-like structures. EBs were grown in the presence of Ab39 (1:200)
or nonimmune (NI) rabbit serum (1:200) for 21 d. The expression of
ICAM-2 (A′ and A), vWF (B′ and B), and αMHC (C′ and C) was measured
by RT-PCR at the indicated time points. The RT-PCR products were
analyzed by gel electrophoresis (Figure 3A′, B′, and C′). W4 represents
samples amplified from ES cells, and C represents samples amplified
from adult mouse tissue as a positive control.−RT represents samples
amplified in the absence of RT. The values for the individual bands
measured after densitometry of the amplification products are presented
as percentages of values of the housekeeping genes β-actin or G3PDH
(A, B, and C). These values represent averages from four
experiments. The gray bars represent values from cells treated with
nonimmune serum and the black bars represent values from cells treated
with antibody 39. Nine-day-old EBs, grown in the presence of nonimmune
rabbit serum (D–F) or Ab39 (G–I), were also characterized by light
microscopy (D and G) and by indirect immunofluorescence (E, F, H, and
I) with anti-ICAM-2 antibody to detect differentiated endothelial
cells. The outlined boxes in E and H indicate the fields represented at
higher magnification in F and I. Magnifications, ×200 (D, E, G, and
H); ×630 (F and I). Bars, 50 μm (D and G); 10 μm (E, F, H, and