DNA microarray analysis. (A) Fluorescent scanning
images of the spots for the typical PHO-regulated genes,
PHO5, PHO84, and
YPL019c/PHM2, and a non PHO-regulated gene,
CDC19. The column number indicates experiments performed
as follows, 1 and 2: comparison between NBW7 (wild-type) cultivated in
low- (YPAD-Pi, Cy5) and high-Pi media (YPAD+Pi, Cy3); 3:
DBY7286 (wild-type) cultivated in low- (YPAD-Pi, Cy5) and
high-Pi media (YPAD+Pi, Cy3); 4: comparison between
NBD82–1 (PHO4c-1, Cy5) and
NBW7 (Cy3); 5: comparison between NBD80–1 (pho80Δ,
Cy5) and NBW7 (Cy3); 6: comparison between NBD85A-1
(pho85Δ, Cy5) and NBW7 (Cy3); 7 and 8: comparison
between NOF1 (PHO81c-1, Cy5)
and NBW7 (Cy3). All strains used in experiment 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 were
cultivated in YPAD media. (B) Cluster analysis of the DNA microarray
data. Eight independent DNA microarray data were analyzed the Cluster
program (Eisen et al., 1998). Genes showing more than
twofold induction in any experiments correspond to the rows, and the
experiments are the columns. Red represents a higher level of
expression in the low-Pi conditioned wild-type cells
compared with the high-Pi conditioned cells or in the
mutant strains compared with the wild-type strains. The color
saturation represents the magnitude of the expression ratio, as
indicated by the scale at the top left of the figure. Black indicates
no detectable difference in expression levels; gray denotes a missing
observation. The rows, representing series of observation on individual
genes, were ordered based on the similarity of their expression
patterns in the eight experiments (Eisen et al., 1998).
The dendrogram to the left of the figure represents the correlation
between expression patterns, as described by Eisen et
al., (1998). Names of the genes listed in Table 2 are
emphasized by red color.