Interactions between transfected
mutant lamins and endogenous lamins. (A and B) CHO cells were
transfected with GFP-lamins as in Figure 2. After 48 h, cells were
either fixed immediately (A) or first extracted with Triton X-100
before fixation (B). Cells were then stained with antibody against CHO
lamin B1 as described in MATERIALS AND METHODS. (C) Percentage of cells
transfected (GFP+ cells) with the indicated mutant lamin B1
construct that either had lost detectable lamin A/C signal at the
nuclear rim (Lamin A/C−) or that displayed colocalization
of endogenous B-type lamins with the mutant GFP-lamins (Lamin B
colocalization) was scored. Shown are the percentages obtained in two
independent experiments. (D) A nuclear matrix fraction was prepared
from HeLa cells and multiple aliquots of this fraction were resolved on
10% SDS-PAGE gels. Samples were transferred to nitrocellulose, the
nitrocellulose was cut into separate lanes, and individual lanes were
blotted with type specific anti-lamin antibodies (indicated over each
lane) to reveal the positions of the lamins (indicated to the left of
the overlay lane), or overlayed with GST-Δ2+ (overlay).
Parallel gels, overlayed with GST-Δ1+, did not reveal any
interaction of Δ1+ with any of the endogenous lamins.