The Dominant-Negative Effect of TGA2CT Is Dependent on Interaction with NPR1.
(A) Protein gel blot analysis of the TGA2CT protein in independent 35S::TGA2CT transformants 2 and 4 in the npr1-2 mutant background. Protein extracts were made from 4-week-old npr1-2 control and 35S::TGA2CT transgenic lines. The amount of His6-tagged TGA2CT protein in each line was determined using an antibody against the His6 tag.
(B) RNA gel blot analysis of PR-1 gene expression in wild-type (WT), npr1-2, and 35S::TGA2CT (npr1-2) transformants. Plants were grown for 2 weeks on MS medium with (+) or without (−) 20 μM INA. Total RNA (10 μg) was used for RNA gel blot analysis using probes specific for PR-1 and UBQ5.
(C) Copurification of TGA2CT and NPR1 in 35S::TGA2CT transgenic plants. Equal amounts of protein extract from the wild type and npr1-2 transformed with 35S::TGA2CT (lines 4 and 17, respectively) were loaded onto Ni-NTA columns. The input protein extracts (I) and the eluates (E) were run on a 6 to 16% gradient SDS-PAGE gel. The presence of TGA2CT and NPR1 proteins was detected by protein gel blot analysis using antibodies against the His6 tag and NPR1, respectively.
(D) Effect of SA on TGA2CT-NPR1 copurification. Protein extracts were made from 35S::TGA2CT transformant line 17 in the wild-type background with (+) or without (−) a 24-h treatment of 1 mM SA. The amounts of the TGA2CT-NPR1 complex were measured as described in (C).