Figure 7.
Overexpression of Bet3p exacerbates ypt1 and ypt31/32 mutant phenotypes. Effect of BET3 overexpression on wild-type (NSY125), ypt1-A136D (NSY222), ypt1-T40K (NSY2), and ypt31Δ/ypt32-A141D (NSY348) cells. Yeast strains were transformed with plasmids expressing GST-Bet3p (+), or GST alone (−). Shown are 10-fold serial dilutions of transformed cells plated on SD-Ura plates and grown at indicated temperatures. Wild-type cells are not affected by expression of the GST-Bet3p while ypt mutant cells are affected by expression of GST-Bet3p but not GST alone. Results shown in this figure are representative of two independent transformants for each strain.