Figure 5.
Monoallelic expression and imprinting of NOEY2. (A) Monoallelic expression. Shown is analysis of coding +231 G/A allele expression by using HhaI digestion of a reverse transcription–PCR transcript (lanes 2, 4, 6, 8) and genomic DNA as controls (lanes 1, 3, 5, 7) from homozygote G allele in OSE001 and heterozygote G/A alleles in BT20, CAOv3, and OSE 031. Arrowheads: a, 326 bp for an HhaI-uncut fragment of A allele; b, 206 bp; and c, 120 bp for HhaI-cut two fragments of G allele. (B) Maternal imprinting of NOEY2. Genotype of TA repeat length polymorphism of three families (F1, F2, and F3) was shown as peaks. Maternal (lane 1); paternal (lane 2); offspring from the same families (lanes 3 and 5; D, daughter; S, son). Maternal origin of methylated allele is demonstrated in each offspring (lanes 4 and 6). (C) DNA fragments analysis of LOH and methylated retained allele in ovarian cancer patients. Genotype of TA repeat length polymorphism of normal DNA from two ovarian cancer patients (lane 1): one allele is lost in tumor DNA (lane 2); the retained allele is methylated (lane 3). (D) The genomic structure of NOEY2 and the location of the primers and polymorphisms.