Morphological Analysis of pnh-2; FIL::PNH Cotyledons.
(A) to (I) Cleared embryos from wild type ([A] to [D]) or pnh-2; FIL::PNH ([E] to [I]) plants at the early heart stage ([A] and [E]), late heart stage ([B] and [F]), and early torpedo stage ([C], [D], and [G] to [I]). Torpedo-stage embryos are depicted in serial optical sections of the same embryo. Note the rounded distal tip of the wild-type cotyledon (arrow in [D]) compared with the flattened (arrow in [G]) or indented (arrow in [I]) shape of the pnh; FIL::PNH cotyledons.
(J) to (M) Cleared cotyledons from wild-type (J), pnh (K), or pnh-2; FIL::PNH ([L] and [M]) seedlings.
(N) to (P) GUS-stained seedlings expressing the hydathode::GUS marker in the wild-type (N) or pnh-2; FIL::PNH ([O] and [P]) genetic background.