Figure 2.
Constructs Used in this Study.
Fusion constructs consisted of the following gene fusions: pBBC10, 35S-C1; pBBC20, E8-LC−; pBBC30, E8-LC+; pBBC200, 35S-C1/E8-LC−; pBBC300, 35S-C1/E8-LC+; pBBC250, E8-C1/E8-LC−; and pBBC350, E8-C1/E8-LC+. C1, maize C1 cDNA; LC, maize LC cDNA (LC−, version minus the 5′ leader; LC+, version plus the 5′ leader); Pd35s, double 35S promoter of CaMV; Pe8, tomato E8 promoter; Tnos, Agrobacterium nopaline synthase terminator, Trbc: pea ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit terminator.