Figure 3. LmnaHG/HG mice are small and have poorly mineralized bone.
(A and B) Photographs of 17-day-old Lmna+/+ (A) and LmnaHG/HG (B) mice. The LmnaHG/HG mouse had a spontaneous fracture in the left forelimb (red arrow). (C–F) Surface renderings of μCT scans of the skull (performed at exactly the same threshold) for a 17-day-old LmnaHG/HG mouse (D and F) and littermate Lmna+/+ mouse (C and E). (C and D) Top view of skulls. The LmnaHG/HG skull is misshapen, poorly mineralized, and exhibits incomplete fusion of the cranial sutures (red arrow). (E and F) Lateral view of skulls. The LmnaHG/HG skull is misshapen, with a small mandible (upper red arrow) and a short lower incisor (lower red arrow).