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. 2006 Mar;21(Suppl 3):S82–S92. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2006.00380.x

Table 3.

Health and Performance of Military and/or VA Women: General Overview of Published Literature

TOPIC (# articles) Sample Size Ranges* Study Characteristics Selected Findings
Sexual assault and PTSD (N=22) 52–30, 865 Subjects from multiple war eras Compared to non-Gulf war men and women, Gulf War veterans had 3 × the risk of PTSD and 4.8 × the risk of chronic fatigue syndrome48
All survey studies Alcohol abuse potentiated the effect of sexual trauma on mental illness49
Health needs and utilization (N=9) 41–5, 483 Most evaluate samples from multiple war eras Women's health needs during the Gulf War were similar to men's with the exception of gynecologic problems, and 79% sought care for at least 1 gender-specific condition5, 50
More than half of both younger and older female veteran samples reported current health status as good to excellent51
Mental health and homelessness (N=6) 68–3, 480 All survey studies Using various community samples, 1.3% to 4.4% of homeless women are veterans52, 53
2 evaluate homeless populations Women veterans at a VA women's health center had high rates of depression, anxiety, and trauma exposure54

Sample size ranges refer to the number of women included in studies. Studies of men and women may have larger total sample sizes.