Effect of plant signal peptides VSPαS and VSPαL and ER retention signal on HBsAg oligomerization. (A) Western blots of immunoprecipitated HBsAg from yeast or transgenic NT-1 cells. Samples were denatured with 1 M DTT at 100°C for 20 min. Lane 1, yeast recombinant HBsAg, 50 ng; lane 2, HB117; lane 3, HB118; lane 4, HB119; lane 5, HB121.1; lane 6, HB122.1; lane 7, HB123.1; lane 8, nontransgenic NT-1; lower arrow, light chain of goat IgG against HBsAg; upper arrow, heavy chain of goat IgG against HBsAg; *, HBsAg monomers; **, HBsAg dimers; ***, HBsAg trimers; ****, HBsAg tetramers. (B) Western blot as in A at partially reducing condition (20 nM DTT) and fractionated in 4–20% polyacrylamide gel. Lanes 1–4 are as in A. *, HBsAg monomers; **, HBsAg dimers; ***, HBsAg trimers; ****, HBsAg tetramers.