Figure 2.
Schematic representation of the human FPGS gene and promoter region. FPGS exon A1b, exons 1 to 15, and the nucleotide sequence of the FPGS gene promoter region (accession # AL162586) are depicted. Putative transcription factor recognition motifs were identified using the MatInspector program from Genomatix (Release 7.3.1) [34]. Sp1 (GGGCGG; +5, -10, -15, -65, -72, -77, -82, -102, -147), NFY-box (CCAAT; -20 and -57), and E-box (CANNTG; +61) transcription factor binding sites are indicated. The protected DNase I footprint region, called H1 (+45 to +71) is shown underlined [17].