Figure 3.
In Situ Localization of BBM mRNA in Embryos and Seeds.
Sections of Brassica microspore-derived embryos and Arabidopsis seeds were hybridized with antisense (AtBBM, [A] to [E]; BnBBM, [H] and [I]) or sense (AtBBM, [F] and [G]; BnBBM, [J]) digoxigenin-UTP–labeled probes. The transcript hybridization signal is purple-brown.
(A) to (G) Longitudinal sections through developing Arabidopsis seeds.
(H) Globular-stage microspore embryo (arrow) and undeveloped microspores from an 8-day-old Brassica microspore embryo culture.
(I) and (J) Fourteen-day-old Brassica microspore-derived embryo culture.
Bars = 25 μm in (A) and (F), 50 μm in (B) to (E) and (G), 100 μm in (H), 350 μm in (I), and 200 μm in (J).