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. 1999 Jan 19;96(2):435–440. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.2.435

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2A in fyn-deficient mice. (A) Telencephalons from wild-type (wt) or fyn-mutant (fyn) mice were homogenized and boiled in RIPA/0.5% SDS buffer and then diluted with 4 vol of RIPA buffer. The lysates were immunoprecipitated (IP) with goat anti-NR2A antibody and the immunoprecipitates were subjected to immunoblotting (Blot) with the antiphosphotyrosine (PY) antibody 4G10 (a). The filter used in a was stripped, blocked, and reprobed with goat anti-NR2A (b). (B) Lysates of telencephalons from wild-type mice were immunoprecipitated with goat anti-NR2A and anti-NR2B. The immunoprecipitates were probed with anti-NR2B (b). All experiments were performed more than three times. Positions and sizes (kDa) of standard protein markers are indicated. The positions of NR2A (180 kDa) and NR2B (180 kDa) are indicated by arrowheads.