Figure 5.
γ-Tubulin interacts directly with Dgrips128 and 163. γ-Tubulin was coexpressed with either Dgrip128 or Dgrip163 in Sf9 cells and immunoprecipitated with control antibody (NR) or specific antibodies against γ-tubulin (γ-tub), Dgrip128 (128), or Dgrip163 (163). The immunoprecipitated proteins were analyzed by 10% SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie Blue staining (A) or by Western blotting (B) probing with antibodies against the γTuRC subunits. Nonspecific proteins that immunoprecipitate with all three antibodies are marked with an asterisk. Mouse mAb (Sigma) against human γ-tubulin was used to detect γ-tubulin in B.