FIG. 9.
Kinetics of far3 and far1 recovery from cell cycle arrest during pheromone exposure. Strains were grown on YEPD with or without α-factor, and the percentage of budded cells was determined over time as described in Materials and Methods. Briefly, 30 or more unbudded cells from each strain were dissected onto the appropriate agar plate and budding was determined by microscopic examination. Budded cells scored at 25 h consisted of microcolonies containing two or more cells. Cells which had not resumed budding by the 25-h time point never did, suggesting that they were irreversibly arrested or damaged by the isolation protocol. Visible colony formation was confirmed no later than 32 h from the zero time point. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results; the results of a typical trial are shown. Strains were as follows: wild type (WT), SY2227; far1, SY2673; far3, SY4062; sextuple far3 far7 to far11, SY4075.