TOF-SIMS mass-resolved images of positively charged secondary ions of the system DPPC/DPPG/SP-B (80:20:0.4 mol %) at 30 mN/m (left) and at 50 mN/m (right). The fragment ions with the mass/charge ratio of 70 (C4H8N+, SP-B-specific), 104 (C5H11NO+, DPPC-specific), and 166 ( DPPC-specific) are shown. Ion intensities are represented by a grayscale (see shaded bar), with dark colors representing low intensities and bright colors representing high intensities. For each image, white is set to the intensity in the brightest pixel (normalization). This intensity is referenced after “mc.” The legend “tc” refers to the total number of detected secondary ions in the respective image.