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. 2006 May 5;91(4):1564–1589. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.105.076174


Oxidative phosphorylation parameters

Symbol Value Units Description Eq. Refs.
ra 6.394 × 10−13 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
rb 1.762 × 10−16 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A158 (16)
rc1 2.656 × 10−22 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
rc2 8.632 × 10−30 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
r1 2.077 × 10−18 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
r2 1.728 × 10−9 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
r3 1.059 × 10−26 Sum of products of rate constants. A157 (16)
ρres 3.0 × 10−3 mM Concentration of electron carriers (respiratory complexes I-III-IV). A157 (16)
Kres 1.35 × 1018 Equilibrium constant of respiration. A159 (16)
ρres(F) 3.75 × 10−4 mM Concentration of electron carriers (respiratory complexes II-III-IV). A161 *
ΔΨB 50 mV Phase boundary potential. A157 (16)
G 0.85 Correction factor for voltage. A157 (16)
Kres(F) 5.765 × 1013 Equilibrium constant of FADH2 oxidation. A162 (16)
[FADH2] 1.24 mM Concentration of FADH2 (reduced). A162 (16)
[FAD] 0.01 mM Concentration of FAD (oxidized). A162 (16)
pa 1.656 × 10−8 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
pb 3.373 × 10−10 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A164 (16)
pc1 9.651 × 10−17 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
pc2 4.585 × 10−17 ms−1 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
p1 1.346 × 10−8 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
p2 7.739 × 10−7 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
p3 6.65 × 10−15 Sum of products of rate constants. A163 (16)
ρF1 1.5 mM Concentration of F1F0-ATPase. A163 (16)
KF1 1.71 × 106 Equilibrium constant of ATP hydrolysis. A165 (16)
Pi 2.0 mM Inorganic phosphate concentration. A165
CA 1.5 mM Total sum of mito adenine nucleotides. A129
VmaxANT 0.025 mM ms−1 Maximal rate of the ANT. A139 (16)
hANT 0.5 Fraction of ΔΨm. A139 (16)
gH 1.0 × 10−8 mM ms−1 mV−1 Ionic conductance of the inner membrane. A166 (16)
ΔpH −0.6 pH units pH gradient across the inner membrane. A167 (16)
CPN 10.0 mM Total sum of mito pyridine nucleotides. A160 (16)
Cmito 1.812 × 10−3 mM mV−1 Inner membrane capacitance. A123 (16)

The respiratory complex II carriers concentration was adjusted with respect to the value in Cortassa et al. (16) to match the reported range of oxygen consumption rates (0.04–0.5 mM s−1 = 5–60 μMol O2/min/mg) (1).

The total nucleotide level and inorganic phosphate were corrected with respect to previous publication (16) to follow reported experimental evidence (1,69).