Temperature-regulated genes by functional category. ORFs were placed into 23 functional categories according to the recommendations of Fraser et al. (22). The percentage of the genes in each functional category that are differentially expressed at either 23 or 35°C is presented. The numbers above each bar indicate the fraction of genes in each category that are temperature regulated. The functional categories are as follows: ARS, amino acid biosynthesis; B, biosynthesis; CE, cell envelope; CH, chemotaxis proteins; D, cell division; F, flagellar biosynthesis; FM, fatty acid metabolism; GM, general metabolism; HE, hemolysins; HS, heat shock proteins; HX, conserved hypothetical proteins; NM, nucleotide metabolism; PD, protein degradation; PE, protein export; PM, protein metabolism; R, replication; RP, ribosomal proteins; TF, translation factors; TP, transporter proteins; TR, transcription; U, hypothetical proteins; X, other.