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. 1999 Jan 19;96(2):766–771. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.2.766

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Constitutive expression of PR protein genes in transgenic SCaM-4 (S4TG) and SCaM-5 (S5TG) tobacco plants. (A) Immunoblots showing elevated SCaM-4 and SCaM-5 protein levels in transgenic plants. Total soluble protein (50 μg) from three independent transgenic plant lines was analyzed for CaM protein levels by using either the anti-SCaM-4 or anti-SCaM-1 antibody. (B) Constitutive expression of PR protein genes in the transgenic plants. Total RNA was isolated from a wild type (WT), a control transgenic plant harboring an empty vector (CT), and three representative independent transgenic plants expressing SCaM-4 (S4TG) or SCaM-5 (S5TG) and examined for the mRNA levels of tobacco SAR genes (31). # indicates designation of transgenic plant line. (C) Comparison of PR-1a gene expression in lower old leaves that formed lesions (+) and upper young leaves that did not form lesions (−) from SCaM-4 and SCaM-5 transgenic plants. The lesion (+) and lesion (−) leaf samples were taken from the same transgenic plants. (D) SA-independent PR protein gene expression. The effect of constitutive expressing SCaM-4 or SCaM-5 in wild-type plants or NahG transgenic plants (33) on PR protein gene expression was examined by RNA gel blot analysis using PR1a and PR5 probes. Data shown are representative results obtained from at least 10 respective independent transgenic plant lines.