Figure 3.
The effect of a 4-h dark pretreatment on the incorporation of 14C into starch in intact, photosynthesizing Arabidopsis plants supplied with 14CO2. A, Wild-type Arabidopsis plants were supplied with 14CO2 for 30 min after 10 h of the photoperiod (white symbols) or after 6 h of the photoperiod followed by 4 h in darkness (black symbols). Samples comprising all the leaves from a single plant were harvested and frozen in liquid N2. Starch was extracted from the leaves and fractionated by Sepharose CL2B chromatography. The 14C in each fraction was determined by scintillation counting. The results are the means and ses of four replicate samples. Label in the amylose-containing fractions is shown more clearly on an expanded y axis in the inset graph. B, Arabidopsis plants of the mutant line dpe were supplied with 14CO2 for 30 min after 10 h of the photoperiod (white symbols) or after 6 h of the photoperiod followed by 4 h in darkness (black symbols) as described in A.