Figure 4.
Changes in Insig-2a mRNA in livers of control rats and rats treated with STZ without or with insulin. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were treated with STZ for 36 h and then injected with insulin or vehicle for 6 h as described in Materials and Methods. Total RNAs isolated from livers of three male rats were pooled and subjected to real-time PCR quantification as described in Materials and Methods. Each value for the STZ-treated diabetic group (S) and STZ-treated diabetic group supplemented with insulin (S+I) represents the amount of mRNA relative to that of the control group (C). Values for plasma glucose (mean ± SE) in the three groups of rats were as follows: control group, 154 ± 2.5 mg/dl; STZ-treated group, 631 ± 26 mg/dl; STZ-treated group supplemented with insulin, 206 ± 47 mg/dl.