Table 1.
CISs encoding candidate TS genes
Strain | Tumor | CIS gene | Protein classification | Chr | Location | LOH | Ex. | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 4295 | Rbl1 | Cell cycle regulator | 2 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11680 | Rbl1 | Cell cycle regulator | 2 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 8610 | Fancg | Fanconi anemia group G | 4 | Exon 4 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 4301 | Fancg | Fanconi anemia group G | 4 | Intron 2 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 8634 | Anp32b | Nuclear phosphoprotein | 4 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11976 | Anp32b | Nuclear phosphoprotein | 4 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 13847 | Cdkn2c | Cdk4 inhibitor | 4 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7221 | Cdkn2c | Cdk4 inhibitor | 4 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 8913 | Prdm16 | Transcription factor | 4 | Intron 2 | ND | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 4313 | Prdm16 | Transcription factor | 4 | Intron 2 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7107 | Prdm16 | Transcription factor | 4 | Intron 1 | ND | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7105 | Prdm16 | Transcription factor | 4 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 6634 | Pou2f2 | Transcription factor | 7 | Intron 1 | ND | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 6641 | Pou2f2 | Transcription factor | 7 | Intron 1 | Yes | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7105 | Pou2f2 | Transcription factor | 7 | Intron 1 | Yes | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11427 | Pou2f2 | Transcription factor | 7 | Exon 3 | Yes | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3046 | 1810054O13Rik | Undefined | 7 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 14503 | 1810054O13Rik | Undefined | 7 | Intron 2 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3197 | Il16 | Cytokine | 7 | Intron 15 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11567 | Il16 | Cytokine | 7 | Intron 15 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7338 | Rbl2 | Cell cycle regulation | 8 | Intron 4 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 13739 | Rbl2 | Cell cycle regulation | 8 | Intron 5 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 10092 | Coro2b | Actin-binding protein | 9 | Intron 3 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 12210 | Coro2b | Actin-binding protein | 9 | Intron 3 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3162 | Gpx1 | Oxidoreductase | 9 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7244 | Gpx1 | Oxidoreductase | 9 | Exon 2 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 4149 | Prdm1 | Zinc-finger protein | 10 | Intron 4 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11978 | Prdm1 | Zinc-finger protein | 10 | Intron 4 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 7088 | Prdm1 | Zinc finger protein | 10 | Intron 4 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3134 | Prdm1 | Zinc-finger protein | 10 | Intron 3 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 14100 | C330016O10Rik | Protein targeting | 11 | Exon 4 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 11978 | C330016O10Rik | Protein targeting | 11 | Intron 3 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3296 | E2f3 | Transcription factor | 13 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 14328 | E2f3 | Transcription factor | 13 | Exon 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 8309 | 3110004L20Rik | Undefined | 13 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 6648 | 3110004L20Rik | Undefined | 13 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 14043 | Cldn10 | Tight junction protein | 14 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-14 | 3280 | Cldn10 | Tight junction protein | 14 | Intron 1 | No | ND | ||||||||
AKXD-10 | 12169 | Tnfrsf6 | Tnf receptor superfamily | 19 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
AKXD-27 | 6634 | Tnfrsf6 | Tnf receptor superfamily | 19 | Intron 1 | Yes | Yes | ||||||||
CIS loci listed in bold are new candidate cancer causing genes identified in the present study, whereas CIS listed in nonbold have been identified in previous insertional mutagenesis screens. Location column shows where each viral integration was located within the gene. LOH column shows whether LOH was detected by Southern analysis, and Ex column shows whether expression was analyzed by Northern blot. ND means not determined. 3110004L20Rik and Cldn10 Southerns did not show mutant rearranged bands, suggesting that these genes probably function in tumor progression rather than tumor initiation and it was thus not possible to determine whether these integrations underwent LOH. | CISs, common integration sites; LOH, loss of heterozygosity. |