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. 2006 Jun 27;6:169. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-6-169

Table 1.

Characteristics of cervical cancer patients with skeletal muscle involvement, as reported in the literature

Author Primary tumor histotype Stage Interval from primary tumor (months) Skeletal muscle HIV status Treatment Clinical outcome (after diagnosis of metastasis)
Mariya [2] squamous n.a. n.a. Biceps negative n.a. n.a.
Schwartz [3] squamous IIIB 0 Iliopsoas positive Chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy DOD after 3 months
Singh [4] squamous IIIB 0 Psoas positive Patient declined n.a.
Wong [5] small cell IB 24 Masseter negative Chemotherapy + radiotherapy n.a.
Bar Dayan [6] squamous IIIB 0 Psoas negative Intralesional chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy DOD after 4 months
Pathy [7] squamous IIIB 0 Deltoid negative Palliative radiotherapy ED at time of publication
Devendra [8] squamous n.a. 0 Psoas negative Supportive therapy Lost to follow up
Saadi [9] squamous IIB 60 Psoas negative Metastasectomy, radiotherapy NED after 30 months
Current case squamous IB 76 Intercostal negative Metastasectomy followed by chemotherapy + radiotherapy NED after 8 months

n.a. = not available; DOD = death of disease; ED = alive with evidence of disease; NED = no evidence of disease