Table 1.
Author | Primary tumor histotype | Stage | Interval from primary tumor (months) | Skeletal muscle | HIV status | Treatment | Clinical outcome (after diagnosis of metastasis) |
Mariya [2] | squamous | n.a. | n.a. | Biceps | negative | n.a. | n.a. |
Schwartz [3] | squamous | IIIB | 0 | Iliopsoas | positive | Chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy | DOD after 3 months |
Singh [4] | squamous | IIIB | 0 | Psoas | positive | Patient declined | n.a. |
Wong [5] | small cell | IB | 24 | Masseter | negative | Chemotherapy + radiotherapy | n.a. |
Bar Dayan [6] | squamous | IIIB | 0 | Psoas | negative | Intralesional chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy | DOD after 4 months |
Pathy [7] | squamous | IIIB | 0 | Deltoid | negative | Palliative radiotherapy | ED at time of publication |
Devendra [8] | squamous | n.a. | 0 | Psoas | negative | Supportive therapy | Lost to follow up |
Saadi [9] | squamous | IIB | 60 | Psoas | negative | Metastasectomy, radiotherapy | NED after 30 months |
Current case | squamous | IB | 76 | Intercostal | negative | Metastasectomy followed by chemotherapy + radiotherapy | NED after 8 months |
n.a. = not available; DOD = death of disease; ED = alive with evidence of disease; NED = no evidence of disease