Histopathology of human melanoma metastases. A, In transit metastasis. Melanoma cells showing epidermotropism and mimicking a primary melanoma in this field [hematoxylin and eosin (H&E),× 40]. B, In transit metastasis. Note melanoma cells arrayed about a microvessel in the papillary dermis (H&E,× 200). C, In transit metastasis. There is a striking angiotropism of melanoma cells (arrow) along the external surface of the microvessel in (B) (H&E,× 400). D, In transit metastasis. Melanoma cells are arranged in angiotropic aggregates about microvessels in the dermis (H&E,× 40). E, In transit metastasis. Melanoma cells arranged along microvessels most likely migrating distally from the central portion of the metastasis (H&E,×200). F, In transit metastasis. Note the angiotropism of melanoma cells about the microvessel at the periphery of metastasis, highlighted by double immunostaining. Melan-A (red chromagen fast red) is expressed by melanoma cells and CD31 by microvessel (brown chromagen DAB) (immunohistochemistry with methyl green,× 400).