Table 1.
Items, Factor Loadings, and Alpha Coefficients of Reliability for the Decisional Balance, Situational Self-efficacy, and Processes of Change Scales
Scale/Items | Factor Loading |
Decisional balance | |
Pros (∞ = 0.91) | |
Eating fruits and vegetables could help me improve my strength | 0.727 |
Fruits and vegetables are good for my body | 0.719 |
Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day could help cleanse my system | 0.714 |
Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day could help me have better overall health | 0.697 |
Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients that I need to be healthy | 0.666 |
Eating fruits and vegetables could help me live a better, healthier, and longer life | 0.661 |
I would feel good about myself if I ate the suggested five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables | 0.659 |
I would have more energy if I ate fruits and vegetables regularly | 0.633 |
Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day could help me prevent cancer | 0.608 |
By trying fruits and vegetables that I have never had before, I could learn about which ones I like/dislike | 0.592 |
Eating fruits and vegetables regularly could help me prevent disease | 0.591 |
Eating fruits and vegetables each day could help me feel better about my life | 0.583 |
Eating fruits and vegetables could help me lose weight or maintain my weight | 0.576 |
Eating fruits and vegetables regularly could help me have clear skin | 0.568 |
Fruits and vegetables are low in fat | 0.552 |
Fruits and vegetables are a good substitute for junk food | 0.546 |
Eating more fruits and vegetables could help me look better | 0.537 |
There are many different fruits and vegetables to choose from | 0.507 |
Cons (∞ = 0.85) | |
It takes too much time to prepare fruits and vegetables | 0.667 |
Not knowing how to prepare certain fruits and vegetables stops me from eating more of them | 0.665 |
It is too much trouble to buy fruits and vegetables that I want to eat | 0.644 |
Fruits and vegetables that I enjoy are unavailable at home | 0.621 |
The changing tastes of fruits and vegetables stop me from eating more of them | 0.619 |
Lack of variety of fruits and vegetables (at home or in school) makes it hard to eat more of them | 0.605 |
Fruits and vegetables are too expensive to buy | 0.605 |
Fruits and vegetables that I enjoy are not available at school or other places where I eat out | 0.595 |
Fruits and vegetables make me full too fast | 0.574 |
Fruits and vegetables give me gas | 0.542 |
It is too difficult to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day | 0.531 |
Fruits and vegetables that I like are available only at certain times of the year | 0.531 |
Some fruits and vegetables (onions, garlic) give me bad breath | 0.501 |
Situational self-efficacy (∞ = .86) | |
Positive social (∞ = 0.74) | |
At a family gathering where many fruits and vegetables are being served | 0.788 |
With grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members and everyone is enjoying fruits and vegetables | 0.750 |
At home, when enjoying the company of friends and family | 0.678 |
When having a good time with others at a picnic or barbeque | 0.645 |
Negative affect (∞ = 0.85) | |
When I am sad or down | 0.720 |
When I have had a bad day and am not feeling good about myself | 0.710 |
When I have an argument with someone close to me and feel upset | 0.693 |
When I am angry (or irritable) | 0.683 |
When I am doing poorly in school and feel worried or upset | 0.678 |
When I am nervous | 0.611 |
On days when things are not going my way and I feel frustrated | 0.586 |
When having friendship or relationship problems and feeling sad | 0.577 |
Difficult situations (∞ = 0.70) | |
When I am sick and do not feel like eating | 0.719 |
At home, when there are no fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator | 0.657 |
After dinner, when I am too full to eat | 0.625 |
When I am hungry but feel too lazy to prepare a fruit or vegetable | 0.611 |
At school, when there are no fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria | 0.576 |
Processes of Change | |
Experiential (∞ = 0.77) | |
I would set a good example for others to follow if I ate fruits and vegetables regularly | 0.690 |
I find the world changing in ways that make it easier to eat healthfully | 0.645 |
I am thinking about the idea that eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day could make me a healthier, happier person to be around | 0.626 |
I remember what people tell me about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables | 0.608 |
Rather than thinking about eating fruits and vegetables as a chore, I try to think about eating them as something that I'm doing for myself | 0.590 |
I remind myself that only I can decide whether or not I will eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day | 0.587 |
I realize that I might be able to influence others to be healthier by eating fruits and vegetables more often | 0.579 |
Behavioral (∞ = 0.89) | |
I keep things at school to remind me to eat fruits and vegetables | 0.756 |
I invite friends over and serve only fruits, juices, and vegetables | 0.709 |
I surround myself with people who are trying to eat more fruits and vegetables | 0.702 |
I avoid spending long periods of time in places where it is difficult to eat fruits and vegetables | 0.694 |
I remove things (like junk food) that prevent me from eating five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day | 0.693 |
I put things around my home to remind myself to eat fruits and vegetables | 0.657 |
I purchase fruits and vegetables instead of junk food | 0.617 |
I reward myself when I eat fruits and vegetables | 0.601 |
I keep fruits and vegetables in sight to remind myself to eat more of them | 0.598 |
I make myself eat fruits and vegetables even if I do not like the smell or taste of them | 0.592 |
I have a healthy friend who encourages me to eat fruits and vegetables when I do not feel up to it | 0.571 |
Instead of sweets or ice cream, I have fruit as a dessert | 0.555 |