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. 2006 Jul 27;34(12):3484–3493. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkl453

Table 2.

Summary of sRNAPredict2 annotations for sRNA-encoding genes in 11 species of pathogens

Speciesa No. of BLAST partnersa Total no. of sRNAs predictedb No. of unique sRNAs predictedc No. of novel sRNAs predictedd …conserved in >1 partner …conserved in >2 partners …encoding predicted conserved RNA structure Total kb IGR conservatione Proportion of previously annotated sRNAs predicted No. of IG terminators No. of unique sRNA/Mb genome No. of unique sRNA/10 kb IGR No. of unique sRNAs/IG terminator No. of total sRNAs/100 kb IGR conservation
B.anthracis 6 1828 947 889 688 23 858 1235.4 2/3 2895 181.1 12.73 0.327 14.80
Y.pestis 7 1478 772 755 443 221 550 1627.5 13/24 1201 167.8 9.45 0.643 10.62
S.enterica 7 1284 599 572 321 145 460 1486.3 22/39 1289 116.8 7.73 0.465 8.64
Staphylococcus aureus 3 344 168 144 84 48 106 366.2 3/4 819 59.8 3.36 0.205 9.39
Clostridium tetani 4 426 161 138 108 77 127 534.3 0/3 852 56.1 4.22 0.189 7.97
Streptococcus pneumoniae 5 111 63 62 29 13 48 78.8 0/3 675 29.2 2.52 0.093 14.08
Streptococcus pyogenes 5 126 62 56 26 19 49 247.1 2/3 613 33.5 2.28 0.101 5.10
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 4 78 56 56 13 6 47 199.6 0/3 114 12.7 1.75 0.491 3.91
Helicobacter pylori 6 130 50 50 42 29 8 114.6 0/3 126 29.9 3.60 0.397 11.35
C.trachomatis 5 51 43 43 4 3 30 81.2 0/3 167 41.3 4.58 0.257 6.28
P.aeruginosa 3 72 38 34 19 13 25 152.3 5/6 1018 6.1 0.59 0.037 4.73
Total (10 genomesf) 6073 2912 2759 1758 584 2308
Max. fold differenceg 35.8 20.3 22.2 29.7 21.6 17.4 3.8

aStrain names of the species annotated and of their BLAST partners as well as the sources of their genomic sequence files are listed in Supplementary Table S2.

bThe total number of sRNA-encoding genes predicted in all searches between the species of interest and each of its BLAST partners.

cThe number of distinct sRNA-encoding genes predicted in the species of interest as determined by using the sRNAPredict2 Venn diagram function.

dThe number of predicted sRNAs that do not correspond to riboswitches or sRNAs annotated in the Rfam database.

eThe amount of genome sequence conserved between the species of interest and all partner species.

fNot including P.aeruginosa.

gThe fold difference between the largest and smallest values in each column.