Figure 3.
Results of conventional RT-PCR (A) and genomic PCR (B), and evaluation of AtRTPrimer's predictability (C). A list of primer pairs of each gene shows AtRTPrimerID, gene name, and expected amplicon sizes from target cDNA, similar cDNA and gDNA (B). The AtRTPrimer ID consists of Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI) systemic name, forward primer name and reverse primer name. The selected genes are related to the following flowering pathways[17-19]: long-day photoperiod promotion (GI, CO, FT, SOC1 and PIF3), vernalization (VRN1, VRN2, FRI and FLC), autonomous promotion (LD, FCA, FY and FVE) and floral organ identity (LFY and AP1). We indicate the primer-pairs' predictability (or specificity) of AtRTPrimer using the three grades, 'good', 'normal' and 'bad' (C). When one primer-pair produced the amplicons predicted by AtRTPrimer as well as the very weak unexpected ones, which are difficult to see in naked eye, we gave 'normal' grade to that primer-pair. The 'good' primer-pairs produced only the amplicons predicted by AtRTPrimer. Other case was graded with 'bad'.