Figure 2.—
Results for cases with epistatic effects. (a) Distribution of test statistic for case I-1: main effects for all QTL and the epistatic effect for QTL pair 1–3 with Vi/Va = 0.3. (a and b) Solid bars represent the test statistic (LR) for QTL pair 1–3 and open bars the LR for other pairs (QTL pairs 1–2 and 2–3). (b) Distribution of the test statistic for case I-2, which is the same as case I-1 except Vi/Va = 0.1. Note that in a and b, the rightmost bars represent test statistics ≥10. (c) Distribution of the test statistic for case II: main effects for QTL 1 and 2 and epistatic effect for QTL pair 1–3. (d) Distribution of the estimated locations of the detected QTL for case II.