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. 1999 Feb 2;96(3):818–822. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.3.818

Table 1.

Summary of the structural statistics

Measurement Value
Space group R32
Unit cell
a, Å 70.13
c, Å 162.30
Resolution range, Å 21.4–2.17
No. reflections
 Observed 170,163
 Unique 8,045
 Total, % 6.7
 Last shell, % 22.1
 Range, Å 2.20–2.28
 Total, % 99.6
 Last shell, % 99.0
I/sig I
 Total 17.8
 Last shell 6.9
Rfree, % 24.4
Rfinal, % 18.6
rms deviation on
 Bond distance, Å 0.011
 Angles, ° 1.502
 Dihedrals, ° 24.491
 Impropers, ° 1.229
Ramachandran plot
 In core region, % 89.5
 In allowed region, % 10.5
Average B factors, Å2
 Main-chain atoms 25.2
 Side-chain atoms 28.3
 Residues 37–41 23.4
 Sulfates 35.6
 Water molecules 43.3
No. water molecules 102