Figure 6.
Nucleoids and mitochondrial dynamics. Nucleoid dynamics were studied in MitoTracker Red–stained and Twinkle-GFP–transfected COS7 cells. Mitotracker shows as uniform mitochondrial staining, whereas Twinkle-GFP appears as brighter intramitochondrial spots. (A) A section of a cell with several nucleoid divisions, indicated by solid arrows. In addition it shows an apparent redistribution of a nucleoid moving into what appears to be a daughter mitochondrion about to be split of (indicated by an open arrow). Both in A and B, frames of 15-s intervals are shown going from left to right and top to bottom. (B) Two mitochondrial division events (solid arrows) in which nucleoids are positioned so that each daughter mitochondrion has at least one new nucleoid element. Although nucleoids appear close to the tips after division, they do not appear to actively participate in the division event itself.