Table 1.
Data are based on results of gel mobility shift analyses (29). The binding reactions contained either the wild-type MTF (2.5 μM), the R42K mutant (2.5 μM), or the R42L mutant (5 μM) and increasing amounts of Met-tRNAN, wild-type, or the G72 mutant (0.25 μM to 1.5 μM). The apparent Kd values were calculated from the slope of a double reciprocal plot of 1/r, where r is the fraction of MTF bound to Met-tRNAN against 1/Met-tRNAN free using the equation 1/r = Kd (1/Met-tRNAN free) + 1 (30, 31). The apparent Kd measured here for the His-tagged wild-type MTF⋅Met-tRNAN complex using gel mobility shift experiments is about the same as the Kd reported for MTF⋅Met-tRNA complex based on quenching of tryptophan fluorescence of MTF (32).
Results of separate set of experiments.