Figure 3. Translational profile of AeAGT.
(a) Developmental-specific expression of the AeAGT protein. An equal amount of total protein (60 μg), extracted from 1- to 5-day-old larvae (L1–L5), newly formed white pupae (P1), 12 h-old black pupae (P2) and 1-day-old female adults (A), were separated by SDS/12% PAGE and were detected on an immunoblot with anti-AeAGT polyclonal antibodies. (b) Tissue-specific expression of the AeAGT protein. Total protein was extracted from the head (H), thorax (T) and abdomen (Abd) of females at 24 h after blood feeding and an equal amount of total protein (40 μg) was resolved by SDS/12% PAGE prior to immunoblotting.