Box 1.
Covariates used to predict high impact user status in descending order of importance in explaining the variation
Covariate | Comments |
Number of emergencies in 365 days before index spell | Modelled as a continuous variable |
Number of emergencies between 366 days and 36 months before index spell | Modelled as a continuous variable |
Charlson index of comorbidity | Was devised originally to predict death. Capped at an upper limit of 6 (few patients had scores above this) |
Age | Five-year age bands up to 90+ |
Ambulatory care sensitive condition | Conditions considered most amenable to case management. 19 groups as per Table 1, plus a `group 0' for all other conditions |
Ethnicity | Six groups: white, black, Indian sub-continent, Chinese, `unknown' and `other' |
Standardized admission ratio (SAR) (log-transformed) | SAR adjusted for age and sex for all emergencies for the ward of residence for 2000/2001 to 2002/2003 combined |
Area-level lifestyle group | Postcodes were allocated to one of 61 groups based on various lifestyle factors using the MOSAIC classification |
Source of admission | Home, nursing home, other hospital, etc. |
Area-level deprivation | 2004 Index of Multiple Deprivation for the patient's area of residence, divided into fifths |
Number of consultant episodes in index spell | Modelled as a continuous variable |
Sex | Male or female |