Cysteine 104 is critical for the antioxidant activity of DJ-1b in vivo. DJ-1b deletion mutant flies (KO) expressing DJ-1b mutant proteins with the da-GAL4 driver. The ability of DJ-1b mutant proteins to rescue paraquat sensitivity was assessed with survival curves of flies exposed to 20 mM paraquat. (a) Flies expressing C45A or C45D were fully rescued compared to flies expressing wild-type DJ-1b protein. (b) Flies expressing C104A, C104D, or C45A.C104A are not different from DJ-1b deletion mutant flies. (c) Bar graph showing the percent dead after 24 h, 20 mM paraquat. Mean ± SD; ∗, P < 0.05, compared to DJ-1b deletion (Student’s t test).