Figure 7.
Glutamate transporters, GLAST and GLT-1, glutamine synthetase, GS, and S-100B are upregulated in both WT and IL -1R1-null mice after a penetrating brain injury. GLAST, GLT-1, GS and S-100B protein expression was analyzed by Western Blot on tissues from the lesioned cortices of wild-type mice (WT-SW), an equivalent region of unlesioned contralateral cortices of the same wild-type animal (WT-CC), the lesioned cortices of receptor-null mice (KO-SW), and an equivalent region of unlesioned contralateral cortices of the same receptor-null animal (KO-CC). Blots were re-probed for β-tubulin to establish equal protein loading on the gel. Lanes represent samples from 3 individual WT animals at 3 d after stab wound.