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. 2005 Jun 9;2005(2):81–87. doi: 10.1155/MI.2005.81

Table 2.

Effect of exogenous superoxide dismutase (SOD) on apoptosis of neutrophils nontreated and treated by NO donors in vitro measured by ANX-FITC and PI binding. Neutrophils (1 × 106 cells) were incubated at 37° C with the indicated stimuli in the presence of SOD (300 U/mL) or not for 8 and 20 hours and apoptosis was determined as described in “materials and methods.” Results are given as means and SD percentages of the sum of cells binding ANX-FITC+PI− and ANX-FITC+PI+ for 6 separate experiments. Statistical significance: ∗∗ denotes neutrophils with SOD versus neutrophils with GEA-3162, SIN-1 (P ≤ .05); ∗ denotes neutrophils with GEA-3162+SOD and with SIN-1+SOD versus neutrophils with GEA-3162 and SIN-1, respectively (P ≤ .05). nd means no data.

% of ANX-FITC+PI− and ANX-FITC+PI+ cells

Agents Time of culture

8 h 12 h

SOD 15 ± 3 42 ± 17
GEA-3162 51 ± 9∗∗ 90 ± 3∗∗
GEA-3162+SOD 38 ± 13 84 ± 3
SIN-1 82 ± 13∗∗ 88 ± 6∗∗
SIN-1+SOD 65 ± 10 84 ± 4
SNP 23 ± 6 nd
SNP+SOD 26 ± 7 nd