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. 2006 Aug;141(4):1630–1643. doi: 10.1104/pp.106.082396

Table II.

Phenotypic correlations among N- and sugar-related traits in the Bay-0 × Shahdara RIL progeny (Pearson correlation coefficients)

N-related trait (total N content [NP], free amino acid concentration [AA], or nitrate concentration [NO]), flowering time under long days (LD), and DM values were obtained in previous studies (Loudet et al., 2002, 2003a). Sugar-related trait (starch [ST], Glu [GL], Fru [FR], or Suc [SU]) values were obtained in this study. Values in bold correspond to N− environment correlations; values in italic correspond to N+ environment correlations; and values in normal type correspond to correlations across N environments (N+/N−). ns, Correlation not significant at P < 0.01; ***, **, and *, correlation significant at P < 0.001, P < 0.01, and P < 0.05; NA, not available. N+/N−, Plants grown on 10 mm/3 mm nitrate.

DM +0.53*** −0.34*** ns 0.23*** 0.21*** 0.47*** 0.17*** ns ns
NP −0.27*** +0.12*** +0.10* 0.73*** −0.21*** −0.65*** −0.31*** −0.14** −0.27***
AA −0.33*** 0.84*** +0.22*** ns 0.16** ns ns ns 0.16***
NO NA NA NA NA ns −0.47*** −0.22*** ns −0.20***
LD NA NA NA NA NA 0.18*** ns ns ns
ST 0.39*** −0.73*** −0.75*** −0.48*** NA 0.20*** 0.38*** 0.15** 0.33***
GL 0.22*** −0.10** ns ns NA ns 0.36*** 0.71*** 0.86***
FR ns ns 0.17*** ns NA ns 0.46*** 0.56*** 0.69***
SU 0.21*** −0.18*** ns −0.16*** NA 0.15* 0.92*** 0.49*** 0.24***