Genetic relationships between 123 S. suis strains, as estimated by clustering analysis of PFGE patterns, was obtained after macrorestriction with SmaI. The classification and divergence of strains were calculated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean, and a confidence interval of 7.5% was used. The species where the strains have been isolated, capsular types, origins, and numbers of strains for each PFGE patterns are reported in the dendrogram. Footnote-style, superscript letters indicate that the abbreviations in the corresponding columns are defined here, as follows. (a) P, pig; H, human. (b) AUT, autoagglutinable. (c) S, septicemia; PT, palatine tonsils; NC, nasal cavities; A, arthritis; M, meningitis; nd, not done; ref, reference strain.