Analysis of cr4 and cr4/Xcl1 meristems and gene expression. A, cr4/cr4 single mutant apex dissected to P3. B, cr4/cr4 apex in A with P3 removed. Leaf initiation appears normal. C, KNOX expression in cr4 mutants is similar to wild type and Xcl1 (Fig. 5). D, cr4/Xcl1 double homozygous mutant apex is very similar to A, except the P3 primordia are narrower. E, cr4;Xcl1 apex in B with P3 removed. Leaf primordia seem to be initiated normally, but the dome of the meristem is shorter than in cr4. F, KNOX protein levels are reduced in cr4;Xcl1 meristems. G, CR4 transcripts are reduced in Xcl1 meristems and leaves. H, PIN1 transcripts are decreased in Xcl1 and cr4 leaves. I, GA20 oxidase transcripts are increased in cr4 leaves. B, B73 (wild-type); X, Xcl1; C, cr4; M, meristem; U, unexpanded leaf; L, expanded leaf. Scale bars = 100 μm.