Figure 5.
Expression of Translational ARF8:GUS Fusion Protein.
(A) to (D) GUS staining patterns in Ler flowers and siliques transformed with ARF8:GUS at different developmental stages. Ler flower bud at stage 10 (A); Ler flower around stage 12 (B); Ler flower at anthesis (stage 13) (C); Ler silique after fertilization (stage 15) (D).
(E) to (I) GUS staining patterns in Ler and arf8-4 ovules between anthesis and globular embryo stage.
(E) Staining in septum tissue and funiculi before anthesis.
(F) After pollination, GUS staining is evident in the chalazal region and in the mature embryo sac around the fused polar nuclei and the egg apparatus.
(G) Schematic representation of GUS staining in ovules after pollination.
(H) At the globular embryo stage, no staining is visible in fertilized ovules.
(I) Unfertilized ovules show strong GUS expression throughout the ovule.
(J) GUS expression was observed earlier and in a general distribution pattern in the embryo sac of arf8-4 ovules transformed with ARF8:GUS.
(K) In the arf8-4 background, staining in the chalazal region is still visible at the globular embryo stage in fertilized ovules.
(L) to (P) GUS staining patterns in arf8-4 flowers and siliques transformed with ARF8:GUS at different developmental stages.
(L) arf8-4 flower at stage 10.
(M) arf8-4 flower at stage 12. Expression is visible in the septum and within the ovules.
(N) arf8-4 flower at anthesis (stage 13).
(O) After fertilization (stage 15), staining remains visible in the carpel walls, the septum, and the ovules.
(P) In growing siliques (stage 17), ARF8:GUS is expressed in the septum and in unfertilized ovules.
The numbers at the bottom left indicate the stages of flower development (Smyth et al., 1990). a, anther; cc, central cell; ch, chalazal end; cv, carpel vasculature; ec, egg cell; em, embryo; es, embryo sac; fu, funiculus; gy, gynoecium; mi, micropylar end; ov, ovule; pd, pedicel; pe, petals; se, sepals; sp, septum; si, silique; st, stigma; sy, synergids; u-ov, unfertilized ovule. Bars = 1 mm in (A) to (D) and (L) to (P) and 100 μm in (E) to (K).