Table 5.
Residue | coord. n. | am (Å2) | σa (Å2) |
CYS | 7 | 6.683 | 10.044 |
MET | 8 | 13.818 | 15.638 |
PHE | 9 | 12.747 | 14.597 |
ILE | 8 | 9.487 | 13.742 |
LEU | 8 | 10.454 | 12.840 |
VAL | 7 | 8.523 | 10.375 |
TRP | 10 | 15.233 | 16.309 |
TYR | 9 | 16.430 | 14.349 |
ALA | 5 | 9.865 | 10.059 |
GLY | 4 | 8.675 | 7.659 |
THR | 6 | 14.775 | 10.542 |
SER | 5 | 13.687 | 9.927 |
ASN | 7 | 19.319 | 12.195 |
GLN | 7 | 22.667 | 13.855 |
GLU | 7 | 23.294 | 12.322 |
ASP | 6 | 17.791 | 10.786 |
HIS | 8 | 19.122 | 14.963 |
ARG | 9 | 31.045 | 17.145 |
LYS | 8 | 33.329 | 13.796 |
PRO | 6 | 17.674 | 12.097 |
Coordination numbers with contact definition SC+CA with a 1.0 Å cutoff and solvent accessibility values. am is the mean accessibility and σa is the accessibility's standard deviation estimated for each amino acid type. am and σa values have been obtained from the file EVAACC.ACC from program WHATIF.