A histogram of the weight, logarithmic scale, of the electronic
ground state of the Hubbard Hamiltonian on the states of the
noninteracting dots. Computed for a hexagonal array of seven sites,
which has 784 states (ten percent wide-size distribution). The results
are shown for the three electronic phases, delocalized, domain
localized, and site localized, which can be successively accessed by
expanding the lattice. The typical value of the weight is 1/(number
of effectively participating states), and in the three
regimes, this number is quite different. The value 1/784 is shown as
a solid arrow in Top as it is a typical weight for the
delocalized state, when all states are equally participating. The
domain-localized state can be viewed as a linear combination of states
of the noninteraction dots, with the number of states that contribute
significantly substantially lower than the total number but somewhat
larger than unity. A few weights are, therefore, large (right end of
the abscicca), and most other weights are smaller than 1/784. The
site-localized state can have a uniform charge distribution or a
nonuniform one (see Fig. 4), but it is essentially a single state of
the Hamiltonian of the noninteraction dots. One state has a weight of
near unity, and all other weights are negligible.