Figure 8.
The CMSII Mutant Is More Resistant Than the Wild Type to Ozone and TMV.
(A) Differences in symptoms in wild-type (WT) and CMSII (CMS) plants subjected to ozone (1 treatment = 1000 parts per billion, 4 h per day).
(B) Relative abundance and size of necrotic lesions developed on N. sylvestris wild-type and CMSII leaves after two or three ozone treatments. Only the wild-type leaves show extensive damage, although arrows indicate small necrotic points on the CMSII leaf after the third treatment.
(C) Induction of AOX and cAPX transcripts by ozone exposure. Ozone treatments were as in (A) and (B). 1T indicates one ozone treatment, and 3T indicates three ozone treatments. Samples were harvested 1 day after the third ozone exposure from the middle part of three successive leaves: the leaf immediately younger than the most damaged leaf (a); the most damaged leaf (b); and the leaf immediately older than the most damaged leaf (c). Ten micrograms of total RNA from each sample was subjected to RNA gel blot analysis on the same blot. AOX and cAPX were as in Figure 5. 18S rRNA was used as a standard.
(D) Hypersensitive response induced by the U1 strain of TMV in N. sylvestris × N. tabacum hybrid plants carrying the N gene of resistance with either the wild-type [WT(N)] or the mutant [CMS(N)] cytoplasm. All of the developed leaves of plants at the pre-floral-bud stage were inoculated with virus (1 μg/mL). The middle-rank leaf (5; see [F]) is shown, photographed 7 days after inoculation.
(E) Immunodetection of the TMV coat protein (CP) in inoculated WT(N) and CMS(N) plants. At each time point, protein was extracted from 10 lesions on inoculated leaf number 3. RBCL, large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.
(F) Average TMV-induced lesion diameter in consecutive leaves from bottom (bottom leaf) to top (top leaf). At all ranks, lesion size was reduced significantly in CMS(N) compared with WT(N). Results are representative of two independent experiments, with at least 50 lesions measured per experiment.