Conservation of a solitary ERV-9 LTR in the axin gene locus during primate evolution. (a) Map of the axin gene locus in primates. Unfilled boxes, α-like globin genes. Black bars, the 11 exons of the axin gene. Other designations are the same as for Fig. 1a. The 300-kb locus in 16p 13.3 from the axin gene to the α-globin gene was assembled from GenBank files under accession numbers AC005202, AC004652, Z99754, Z69667, Z69075, Z69890, Z69706, Z84721, Z69666, Z84813, and Z84722. (b) Structure of the axin ERV-9 LTR. Designations are the same as for Fig. 1b. (c) Alignments of the U3 promoter and R regions of the 5"HS5 LTR and axin LTR in human, chimpanzee, and orangutan. Highlighted bases, ACCAC (GTGGT), CCAAT, GGGTG (CACCC) GATA, and AATAAA sequence motifs. Arrow, transcription initiation site of LTR RNAs marking the 5" boundary of the R region.