FIG. 7.
Transcriptional direction of the RNAs between the 5"HS5 LTR and HS5 site. (a) The RNAs transcribed from DNA between the 5"HS5 LTR and HS5 site of the β-LCR were exclusively in the sense direction in nontransfected K562 cells as determined by RT-PCRs. Horizontal left-to-right arrow, sense RNAs transcribed from the LTR into the HS5 site as amplified with primer pairs 1 to 5. Numbers below the PCR products, sizes of the RT-PCR bands in base pairs. (b) Gel electrophoresis of RT-PCR products synthesized with locus-specific primers. Lanes 1 to 5, PCR bands amplified from cDNAs by primer pairs 1 to 5, respectively. + lanes, PCR bands generated from the sense R RNAs using the reverse primer of primer pairs 1 to 5 in the RT step. − lanes, PCR bands generated from the antisense RNAs using the forward primers of primer pairs 1 to 5 in the RT step. White dots on the right margins, PCR bands anticipated to be generated by primer pairs 1 to 5. (c) PCR products amplified from cDNAs synthesized with random hexamer primers in the RT step. Lanes 1 to 5, PCR bands amplified from the cDNAs by primer pairs 1 to 5, respectively.